Ebooks are Here!
Before you access the SD129 OverDrive ebook site and download ebook content, you will need to have an email address, and you will need to have access to a computer and web browser (to read titles online), or you will need a smartphone, tablet, or other device that can download free reading apps.
All of the software is FREE! However, what software you need depends upon which formats you want to access. You can find videos showing you how to search for books and how to set up your device on the OverDrive Help site at http://help.overdrive.com/#videos.
Logging in to OverDrive from a computer/browser:
Access the SD129 OverDrive site by going to https://soraapp.com/library/aurorawestil. You can also get there by clicking the “Open” button on a title in the Destiny library catalog that is marked [EBOOK] or [EAUDIOBOOK].
- Library Card Number: enter your Student ID #
- PIN: enter your Lastname
- Use one uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters [example: Hahn]
- Enter the entire last name as it appears on your Student ID card
- Include any additions to your last name as they appear on your Student ID card [examples: Washington Jr or Spencer III or Castro Ruiz or Flores-Rios]
Logging in to OverDrive on a smartphone or other mobile device:
1. Install the OverDrive Media Console App [see below]
2. From the menu, choose Get Books
3. Add a Library
4. Search for West Aurora
5. Tap on the star to add our district!
Required Software and Required Ebook Accounts:
- If you want to listen to eaudiobooks, or if you want to read titles on a smartphone/mobile device, you will probably want to visit the OverDrive Media Console site at http://omc.overdrive.com/ and download the app for your device.
- Some ebook titles are in OverDrive Read format. These titles can be read using a browser on a laptop or desktop computer (and on some tablets/phones), and do not require any additional software.
- If you want to read Kindle format ebooks, you will need to visit the Kindle site at http://www.amazon.com/gp/kindle/kcp. You will need to set up a free Kindle Account before you can download and access Kindle format titles. The Kindle site is also where you can get software to read Kindle titles in a browser, on a laptop/desktop, on a smartphone, or on a tablet.
- If you want to read EPUB format books, you will need to visit the Adobe Digital Editions site at http://www.adobe.com/products/digital-editions.html. You will need to set up a free Adobe ID Account before you can download and access EPUB format titles. The Adobe Digital Editions site is also where you can get software to read EPUB titles on a laptop/desktop, on a smartphone, on a tablet, or on an ereader like a Nook.